----------------------------------------- KevEdit 0.5.0 Powerful ZZT Editing ----------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Kev Vance With many contributions by bitman Getting Started With KevEdit ---------------------------- Copy the binary KEVEDIT.EXE and the help file KEVEDIT.ZML to your ZZT directory. You can run it with no arguments to get a blank new world, or give it a world on the command line to load it. Example: C> kevedit town.zzt This will load town.zzt into the editor if it exists. Otherwise, a new world will be created. To learn more about using KevEdit, activate its on-line help by pressing 'H'. New Features / Bug Fixes ------------------------ Native Linux and Windows support Stats Editor documentation Tile Selection Copy and Paste Tile Info Items documentation Creatures documentation Terrain documentation Acquire Mode grows backbuffer Bind Index in Stats Editor ALT-T runs zzt for testing CTRL-K selects color (for F4 mode) CTRL-O reveals hidden objects Bugs Fixed: Monitor recognized as valid type Object Editor panel updated Saved games using #bind now load Object #lock-ing supported Time remaining available for bombs Post Script ----------- Technical support for KevEdit is not guaranteed. However, you are encouraged to send an email to bitman if you have any questions, problems, or praise. Also consider posting to the "ZZT Editors" forum on zzt2.com if you have a general question. For announcements and technical discussion of KevEdit, join the kevedit-talk mailing list by visiting: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/kevedit-talk If you find bugs, try to fix it and send in a patch :) If you can't fix it, report it. For the overzealous, you can do what bitman did join in on the development if you find sending in patches too tedious. CVS is great for that sort of thing. http://kevedit.sourceforge.net/ is where you can check for new releases, get the CVS code, post bug reports, etc. Kev Vance Ryan Phillips December 2, 2002