.NNNN) .NNNN N) (N) _NNN) .NNNN NN (NF JN) NN (NF .NNNNN) _NNN) _NNN) .NNNNN) .JNNN) J JNNNNN) (NNNNN (N) (NN JNNNNN (NNNNN (NL .NN .NN (NL .NN .NNNNNN) JNNNNN JNNNNN .NNNNNN) .NNNNNN N JNNF4NN` (NNNNNN) NN) (NN) (NNNNN" (NNNNNN).NNN) JN) JN) .NNN) JN) JNN"4NN)(NNNNN" (NNNNN" JNN"4NN)(NNNF" (N (NN` JNN .NNNN"NN (NN) .NNN .NNN"_J .NNNN"NN JNNNN..NN NN JNNNN..NN NN JNN.NNN"_J .NNN"_J NN JNN.NNN____ NN .NN .NN` JN) (NN NNNL JNNNF (NNNNNN JN) (NN.NNNNNNJN) (NN .NNNNNNJN) (NNNNNN`(NNNNNN (NNNNNN (NNNNNN`JNNNNNNNN) (NN JN) (NF .NN JN)(NNNNNNNNNN` NNNNNN) .NN JN)JNNNNNNNN) NN) JNNNNNNNN) JNNNNN` NNNNNN) NNNNNN) JNNNNN` NNNNNNNNN) NN) NN (NN JNF NNNNNNNNNNN (NNNNF` (NN JNF.NN `NNNNN) NN .NN `NNNNN) NNNNN` (NNNNF` (NNNNF` NNNNN` "4F"NNNN) "` (NNNNNNNN NNNNNNN`.NNNNNNF NN) NNNNNNN) NNNNNNN`(N) (NNNN) (NN (N) (NNNN) (NN" NNNNNNN) NNNNNNN) (NN" .NNNNNNNF ._. (NNNNNNNF NNNNNN` (NN` "` .NN` NNNNNNN` NNNNNN` NN` (NNN` NN) NN` (NNN` (N) NNNNNNN` NNNNNNN` (N) JNNNNNNN .NN) (NNNNNNN 4NNNF NN) (NN (NNNNNN) 4NNNF NF 4NF NN NF 4NF NN` (NNNNNN) (NNNNNN) NN` (NNNNNN" (NF It's a big bash and everyone's getting together in a room in which we sit in misery. Occasionally we make something out of it and can smile, but there's still room for more people. Just leave your happiness outside and bring some extra fatigue and insomnia. It starts soon and ends at who knows? A LOAD OF FUN. The doors aren't open, but off the hinges. Stop by any time. Who knows who will be there? Think I'll be hosting this party for a while, and there's nothing better than treating the host. There's no entrance, just come on in, don't step on the broken priceless glass, you could fall harder than me. Make sure you hit me on your way down if you do fall though. I could use a little reassurance on that headache... Make it light. Don't take the spotlight, or the spots will go away, but don't go through the broken doorway. Enter by breaking a few windows. A bash like this needs a surprise entrance. Traits and festivities including but not limited to: Working on good passages to put on friends and family and own tombstones, disgussing pride and honor to add shame for one's quota, use gasoline to admire the flower illuminaries, and have intriguing conversations about which insect type is most likely to commit suicide. I think it's the lady bug, for its damn spots make it depressed. Also remain in consideration on how no matter what the male does, the name and title is feminine. That disturbs it and that's why it is so down... Take two steps in your dizziness, have a cup of sour tea and... Wow, the second time I've been tripped over in eight and a half minutes. Watch that tea next time lad. Just watch the tea. And do enjoy the stale crackers, as that is how we all feel. Stale. You're invited to join the slump any time. Who wants in?? Come on!