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We're glad you found the home of ExtremE, or Xtreme, ERi. This place you're bound to find something fun to take home for your homeboys and homegirls. I mean, damn, you got this far right?

Members as of the moment

Boonob - Boonob's the definitive gangsta. He's an OG on our side we can trust. Nevertheless he's far into the future, he still shares his wisdom with us because he's that awesome. Never get on his bad side if you can help it though, because he's ice cold!

DjBjRcA - He may be new round deeze parts, but he has a score to settle. And it isn't being the first on the high score list.. It's something different. For he did not wear tennis shoes to get this far! Perhaps he's playing tennis? WHO KNOWS?? REPRESENT!!!

Flimsy Parkinsons Disease - He's Narrow, he's apparel, he's an ache up the spine. He makes you forget things and go crazy eights. Oh those crazy numbers! Oh they do a work on you. By the way, he's fat.. REALLY FAT. Work off those extra 580 pounds d00d! Maintainer of castlezzt.net.

JoooooosH Micr0wavE - This guy can spike you up, can write a killer story, and design like the world has never seen. The original founder of feature thinkers, this guy has seen it all from table tops to beef pot pies. All hail JOOOOOOOOOOOSH. (PS joooooooosh is missing in action, if anyone knows of his whereabouts, tell Josh where he is)

Lemmer the Blacksmith Guru - This man created thor's hammer in his spare time. He's responsible for those big booms on those rainy days. Nevermind he can forge up a powerful weapon, he can cause a boom that's so deep you couldn't ignore it if you wanted to. Represent!

President Ache Gee Ess Eye - This guy has plans for things. Where he came from, nobody knows. Where he's going, nobody sees. He is the Atrocity. Currently working on Internet Media Content. Where is he right now? He's probably around somewhere. Probably right here, or standing next to that wall or something. But you'd better draw your magnum before he draws his. He can shoot a good score at bowling at that!

Skribb0t the Unknown - This guy is one ice cold killah, he's friends with that guy from Wisconsin, who's fat. FAT. Scribbit can draw up, animate out, and think up some great scenarios. He's basically a h00g celebrity, so there's not much left to say here. Next time you see him he'll probably be on E! or something throwing dice in a box of numbers looking sharp as ever, cuz he's a high roller, man.

Viovis Acropolis of Oats and Honey Land - This is me. I'm a damn baldie. Wait no it grew back. Anyway, don't ask for a book of stamps cuz I forgot where I put them or the price probably went up again. Not much to say here really.

Vooooooork - He's back, madder, larger, and slimier. He could tell you where slime came from, the essence of slime, how slime is made, and what slime would go best on your wedding cake. He's at large sometimes, and sometimes the world is large and he is hiding. But hopefully he will never stray from the ice cold power that runs through his toes that is .. VORK.

Zam-Roast - He's a very good dinner. Not as good as leg of lamb roast, but it comes close. The founder of the branch Icy Hot Stuntaz, a fan-based group inspired from the group Icy Hot Stuntaz. Where is Zamros now? Probably in the kitchen cooking up some stew.


B zenryoku - Officer Kevin is our hero. C C C C C C C He is all around great guy. He's also missing in action so let us know if you hear from him. He is a member because he deleted his account but didn't remove himself from this list.. He may very well be a permanent member. All hail Officer Kevin.

Ex-members - don't go there d00d

History - It's a long story brah!

NEWS: Check HERE for the latest news updates


To join: Go Here and add yourself to the list. May not be open membership for long, so act now if you want a part in this more than decade-long tradition.

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